Antelias: Armenian Community in Toronto greets His Holiness Aram I

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Armenian version:



His Holiness Aram I arrived in Toronto on September 29, starting the second
part of his Pontifical visit to Canada. Addressing the thousands of
believers who had gathered to greet him, His Holiness stressed the
importance of faith, Armenian identity and cooperation in individual as well
as the nation’s collective lives.

His Holiness Aram I traveled to Toronto from Montreal by land with Prelate
Archbishop Khajag Hagopian, V Rev Fr Krikor Chiftjian and Rev Fr Housig
Mardirosian and the delegation members.

The Pontiff was welcomed by the pastor of Toronto, V Rev Fr Meghrig
Parikian, the board of trustees, the National Assembly, other
representatives from the community and a huge crowd of believers at the St.
Asdvadzadzine Church in Toronto.

Representatives from sister churches as well as pastors of the Armenian
Catholic Church, V Rev Fr. Yeghia Kiredjian and the Armenian Evangelical
Church, Rev Yesayi Sarmazian, attended the Holy Mass held in the Church.

The Prelate of Canada, Archbishop Hagopian, delivered the opening remarks
expressing the love and respect of the believers towards His Holiness.

The Catholicos first welcomed the representatives of sister churches, seeing
in their respect the evident unity and brotherhood between Christian
Churches. His Holiness highly praised the hard work carried out by Prelate
Archbishop Hagopian and V Rev Fr. Parikian in Toronto.

His Holiness then delivered a sermon, stressing three concepts: holding
strong to the Armenian Church’s and nation’s origins and working on
rendering the Armenian nation’s collective life more fruitful.

“It is more than essential to preserve faith especially in today’s world,
where deterioration of moral values can be seen everywhere. This is
essential, because it is our faith in God that brings us closer to the
church and the teachings of the Holy Bible and makes our individual lives
more fruitful,” said His Holiness.

His Holiness also stressed the importance of identity. “Preserving identity
is as important, especially when away from the homeland. We are a nation. A
nation does not mean a collection of individuals. Nationhood is one of the
expressions of a people’s identity, where the children of the same people
are united with a unique history, traditions and goals.”

Speaking about the third concept, His Holiness stressed that cooperation
between all the children of the Armenian nation is most essential in these
coasts. “Our nation’s supreme interests demand cooperation from all of us,”
said His Holiness. The Pontiff called on the believers to work together to
become stronger in face of the challenges threatening to wear out their
Armenian identity.

The believers then approached the Catholicos kissing his right hand and
receiving his blessings.

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The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the dioceses of
the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.