Sasna Tsrer members stop hunger strike

Members of the Sasna Tsrer group Arayik Khandoyan and Ashot Petrosyan have stopped their hunger strike. They started a hunger strike on May 9, joining the “Founding Parliament” president Garegin Chukaszyan, demanding the release of political prisoners.

Stopping a 10-day hunger strike, however, does not mean that they refuse their demands. “They have entered a new stage of struggle,” said Arayik Papikyan to A1 +.

Only Garegin Chukaszyan continues hunger strike at this moment.

Let us remind you that Arayik Khandoyan, a member of the Sasna Tsrer group and nine others who were in the case stayed for three days at the Court of General Jurisdiction of Shengavit residence because Judge Mesrop Makyan did not change their preventive measure. The supporters, as a sign of protest, closed the court entrance. Only at midnight on May 19, police were able to open the Shengavit court proceedings and remove the members of the Sasna Tsrer group from the court.

The National Security Service (NSS) stated that the memebers of Sasna Tsrer who were in court had asked them to move them to penitentiary institutions. Defender Arayik Papikyan considers this as fake information. “They have said before that as long as demonstrators are in near the court, they will remain in court.”

In two cases of Sasna Tsrer, the judges did not change their preventive measures. Judge Artush Gabrielyan did not hold a session.