Wine maker, driver and laborer to compete for post of community leader

Aram Manukyan, the chief wine maker of “Yeraskh Wine Factory” CJSC and a member of the “Civil Contract” party, wants to become the head of Aygezard community in Ararat region. Head of the community Artur Manukyan and non-partisan Vahagn Sargsyan will also compete for the post. He was nominated by the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP).

The election will take place on June 10. Local elections will be held in 19 communities in Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Gegharkunik, Lori and Kotayk regions. The elections of the leader of the community will be held in 8 communities, elections of member of the council of elders will be held in 7 communities, and in 4 communities, elections of both leader of the community and community council will be held.

The leader of the Antarashen community of Lori region, non-partisan Rafik Kharatyan and the community’s driver Sergey Biryukev will compete for becoming community leaders.

And in Dprevank community in Aragatsotn region, the head of non-partisan community Aramayis Kasabovand and laborer at Pekar Kredo company Hovik Kodabashyan will compete.