Armenian NPP Suspended for Top-Up

Pan Armenian News


01.10.2005 03:01

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Beginning on today the Armenian (Metsamor) Nuclear Power
Plant (NPP) is suspended for a top-up. As Minister of Energy of Armenia
Armen Movsisyan told journalists earlier, the process will take 45 days. It
should be reminded that at the same time A. Movsisyan informed that the
Russian party represented by the RAO UES of Russia has expressed readiness
to leave the management of the financial flows of the Armenian NPP, though
the contract allowing RAO UES of Russia manage the plant for 5 years has not
expired yet. «We have not passed a decision over the matter yet and we are
not going to hurry,» stated the Minister, noting the positive role of the
Russian holding in the financial and technical rehabilitation of the Plant.
Consisting of two energy blocks totaling 815 MW, The Armenian NPP was closed
in 1988. The station second block with the capacity of 407.5 MW was again
launched in work in 1995. Since 2003 the Armenian NPP is passed for
financial management of the Inter RAO UES CJSC, which is a branch
establishment of RAO UES of Russia.