Armen Sarkissian: there are many barriers between Armenia and Diaspora

Arminfo, Armenia
Armen Sarkissian: there are many barriers between Armenia and Diaspora

Yerevan May 25

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Armenian President Armen Sarkissian did not participate in the projects of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. This was announced on May 25 by Armenian President Sarkissian himself in an interview with journalists on the margins of the 27th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund.

"I personally did not contribute to the Foundation's activities, but our family implements a number of different charitable projects, one of the examples of the font in the Holy Echmiadzin, which bears the name of St. Hovhannes and Vardan, was built by the family in May. For many years, the charitable organization" The Eurasian House, which aims to help students, and about 300 young people received help to get an education, there is a program called "Yerevan – my love", also initiated by our family. "There is a fund – a global structure, but there are individual individuals and funds working independently." It's time to establish cooperation between the All-Armenian Fund and individual funds and individuals, and compare projects that are being implemented, "the Armenian President is convinced.

To comment that there are concerns that the Diaspora is being considered only as a source of financing, Sargsyan said in particular: "Of course, I share this concern, and this concern is quite serious, since if we are talking about national unity, that we must work together – this small country, but a big nation all over the world. We saw that during the protest actions, all the days compatriots from all over the world participated in these processes: through social networks, expressing opinions, coming That is, today there really is this movement of nationwide consolidation, but the question arises whether the Diaspora really exists only to send money from abroad and not have any rights and not participate in anything wrong". At the same time, he noted that all compatriots, especially those who live in the Diaspora and possess Armenian citizenship, must make their contribution and, of course, have obligations and rights.

According to him, there may be a day when compatriots from the Diaspora will have the opportunity to take part in the electoral processes in their homeland. "If we are talking about the electoral process and the amendment of the Electoral Code, the question arises whether only those who live in Armenia or all who are citizens of Armenia should participate in elections," Sargsyan said, and continued that for no one Today it's no secret that there are many problems with the Diaspora. According to him, the best specialist in this or that sphere, if necessary, cannot come to Armenia and take up this or that post, since they must live in the country for at least 4 years. The President added that there are many examples of states where such a system is not applied, and Israel cited as a prime example.

He also agreed with the opinion that in recent years in the Diaspora there is frustration and anger towards the Motherland. "But I also see great love, lack of indifference, and today our task should be to engage the Diaspora fairly and openly in the processes at home." Do not say that we expect only money from you. Give me money and do not interfere in our affairs so that our compatriots from the Diaspora with all their heart and soul were involved in the processes in Armenia, and they had the opportunity to participate, "Sargsyan said. According to the President, there are many barriers between Armenia and the Diaspora: they are moral, legal and which must be eliminated. Sargsyan expressed his conviction that until these barriers are eliminated, there will remain questions between who should help and not have the rights and the Armenian, who should receive and demand more. "We are all one nation, we need to think like one nation," the president summed up.