MFA: Stepanakert`s voice must be decisive

Arminfo, Armenia
June 1 2018
MFA: Stepanakert`s voice must be decisive

Yerevan June 1

Tatevik Shagunyan. Despite the scarcity of budgetary financing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has done everything possible to effectively promote Armenia's foreign policy course. During the hearings on the report on the implementation of the 2017 budget in the Armenian parliament, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan stated.

According to him, in 2017, the budget of the Foreign Ministry was 14.5 billion AMD, for the implementation of 16 programs. The budget was fulfilled by 97%, the saved 120 million were returned to the government. Out of the sums provided, 10 bln AMD or $ 20 mln was spent on the expenses of Armenia's diplomatic missions abroad. According to Mnatsakanyan, Armenia has a professional and established diplomatic corps. He stressed that in the near future steps will be implemented in the direction of further increasing the effectiveness of Armenian diplomats abroad.

Another $ 2 billion or $ 4.5 million was spent on repaying Armenia's membership fees in international organizations. The debt of the republic on this line is currently $ 1.4 million, which, according to the minister, accumulated in the first years of independence of the republic. Nevertheless, as Mnatsakanyan said, Armenia is not deprived of the right to vote in any international organization.

Touching upon foreign policy priorities, Mnatsakanyan stressed the need to continue peaceful negotiations on the Karabakh settlement under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group, the emphasis in which should be placed on the components of recognition of the status and security of Artsakh. "Of course, Stepanakert's voice should be decisive in this process," the minister stressed.

He also said that Armenia will continue to seek international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and prevent similar crimes in the future, initiating various activities at the international level in this direction.

The need for an objective assessment of the Diaspora's potential and its effective use in the state building and prosperity of Armenia was also stressed.