Museum-institute staff: We call on people to avoid unnecessary speculations

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute staff worries about the situation around the institution. We hope that every Armenian realizes the importance of the establishment. The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute is a pan-national, state-of-the-art apolitical structure. So, referring to recent publications in the media, and especially on social networks, we call on them to abstain from unnecessary speculations.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, due to the joint work of the directorate and the staff, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute has gained pan-Armenian and international recognition and authority. During these years, the collection of the Institute has been replenished with many valuable museum pieces, and scientific achievements have been recorded. So, we look forward to not ignoring the aforementione and showing a reasonable position.

The reports of the AGMI for the last 10 years are here.