“A1 +” has to apply to court (video)

There are countless movies and videos about our city, from film-concerts to documentaries and even fictions. Today, movies are and will be filmed, and everyone will express his love, warmth and longing for his not usual mother city, the center of the Armenians, the place of gathering for already a hundred years.

Centennial capital, which has a history of centuries, will celebrate its 2800th anniversary this fall.

“A1 +” TV Company decided to make a jubilee film as a gift.

A team of professionals with similar ideas has come together. To make a film, the TV company decided to buy a high-quality cameras and appropriate equipment. The City Hall and the Ministry of Culture, knowing about the initiative, promised to support, but they did not keep their promises. Instead, one of the friends of “A1 +” TV director Mesrop Movsesyan provided financial support.

Shooting was started in February with a strict schedule. During the shooting, however, it turned out that the some cameras had a shortcomings, so, they notified about it to the manufacturer, from which the equipment was purchased. The company representative, understanding the seriousness of the problem, urgently responded and without any paperwork, , sent a new camera, which was in the FedEx Armenia office four days later, when even the documents for the refund of the camera were not ready.

Meanwhile, the Customs Service of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia showed an indifferent attitude by bringing various reasons and demanding the most absurd documents, so the delivery of the camera to the buyer is still delayed.

According to Mr. Movsesyan, this was in the case when it was possible to solve the issue on the very first day, and, by the way, not to be ridiculous in terms of absurd documents in the eyes of the manufacturer. “That is, it turns out that the bureaucracy car continues to work.”

The film crew has been idle for 15 days and has been digressed from the schedule. The arrangements made for filming various objects were violated, and only for some cases cameras are rented, which is costly for the company.

“A1 +” TV Company Director Mesrop Movsesyan, who is also film director and producer, said he had to go to court to demand compensation for financial and moral damages.