Balayan: Statement on conflicts in NATO summit declaration reflects Armenian side’s approach

Arminfo, Armenia
Balayan: Statement on conflicts in NATO summit declaration reflects Armenian side's approach

Yerevan July 16

Marianna Mkrtchyan. The Armenian Foreign Ministry is familiar with the various comments and assessments regarding the excerpts in the declaration of the latest NATO summit, the Armenian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tigran Balayan stated at a briefing on July 16. At the same time he added that he do not want to conduct a linguistic analysis on this issue during the briefing. "One thing is clear: the 67th paragraph of the declaration of the latest NATO summit envisages that negotiations or conflicts should be settled in the current formats and on the basis of the principles of international law, in particular, on the basis of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act." This is what we are talking about – based on international norms and in the current format, "Balayan summed up.

To note, the final declaration of the NATO summit in Brussels contains a call for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the South Caucasus. In paragraph 67 of the Declaration, it is noted: " We continue to support the right of all our partners to make independent and sovereign choices on foreign and security policy, free from external pressure and coercion. We remain committed in our support for the territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. In this context, we continue to support efforts towards a peaceful settlement of the conflicts in the South Caucasus, as well as in the Republic of Moldova, based upon these principles and the norms of international law, the UN Charter, and the Helsinki Final Act. We urge all parties to engage constructively and with reinforced political will in peaceful conflict resolution, within the established negotiation frameworks''.