We’ve ruled out surprise attack factor, says Armenian defense minister


Due to technical and procedural decision the surprise factor of future probable enemy attacks has been ruled out, Armenia’s defense minister Davit Tonoyan told EADaily in an interview.

He said that the Armenian side has drawn many conclusions from the 2016 April War of Artsakh.

“We first of all made military conclusions after the 2016 April battles. Azerbaijan will not be allowed to maintain the position of escalating the situation, the right to monopoly of deciding the time and scale. Conclusions have been made also over a number of practical and strategic issues. As a result we have carried out necessary changes in areas like positioning of troops, implementation of combat missions in the frontline and provision of armaments and equipment,” he said.

According to the minister, conclusions should indeed be drawn from the April War, but it shouldn’t be left in the epicenter of the Armenian side’s military mind.

“Examples aren’t few in military science history when even the most experiences commanders and armies have made mistakes when preparing for the next wars based on results of previous military operations. Therefore, we are widely preparing for probable military operations, taking into account not only previous incidents,” Tonoyan said.

He said that he is concerned over the equipment which Azerbaijan displayed at its latest military exercises, however he said he is more concerned over the fact as to from where and in what conditions these equipment were acquired.

“Eventually, it is up to Azerbaijan that so many necessary financial investments, which could’ve increased the quality of life of its citizens, it is actually directing for the acquisition of attack systems. There are countermeasures for any military equipment, and in this issue the Armenian side certainly doesn’t sit idly. But we are concerned over the sources of acquisition of the military equipment which was presented. It is regretful to see that Armenia’s allied countries are selling weapons to a country which….threatens the existence of Armenia,” Tonoyan said.

Tonoyan drew the attention of the countries dealing with the NK conflict settlement on this issue.

“Especially the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing countries, which are dealing with the settlement of the Artsakh issue, should refrain from selling various types of assault weapons to Azerbaijan. Eventually, a question arises – why is it needed to breach the existing military balance between two countries in the beginning, and then only attempt to restore it,” he said.

Speaking about media reports that Armenia is planning to acquire Russian SU 30 SM fighter jets, Tonoyan said that now they are considering various models for acquisition, but they have a need to establish dominance in the sky.

“Having a dominant position in the air has always been considered as guarantee for result and achievements in military operations. If until today we have given preference to air defense in the issue of having dominant positions in the air through existing resources, as well as application of the air force, then now we are planning to develop our air force potential. We are considering various models of military aircraft for acquisition,” he said.