NSU members support Zaruhi Postanjyan

President of the National Self-Determination Union Paruyr Hayrikyan is very serious about the elections, and has not decided yet whether he will run separately in Yerevan City Council elections or with a single party list.

Paruyr Hayrikyan does not understand why Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has chosen the path of focusing on the opinions of the young. “This is a sin, a grave sin. This government does not know Bagratyan’s place. Or did heard that Raffi Hovhannisyan or Ara Papian were asked to express their opinions about foreign political questions. Here is why we have something to worry about,” said Paruyr Hayrikyan and added, “The National Self-Determination Union is going to participate in the parliamentary elections. We are essentially a European-empowered force, all the European powers that would like to act unitedly, will be united. We will take part in the elections, it’s our duty as a political force. We have a strategic plan designed for the people. Our main task today is the Constitution, we have applied to the prime minister, the prime minister is not in a hurry to make changes,”said the leader of the National Self-Determination Union.