Ara Papian: Kocharyan is not one of those people who will sink alone, he will give names (video)

Ara Papian, head of the Modus Vivendi Center says that according to our constitution, the President of the Republic is immune, but there is a precondition: Robert Kocharyan is immune to actions stemming from his status.

“The SIS made a mistake in the sense that it presented a rather disputable charge. I think then there can be another charge, which is easier to prove, let’s say illegal enrichment.”

Ara Papian believes that failure of Robert Kocharyan’s conference was wrong. “Kocharyan is not one of those people who will sink alone, he will give names. The society should know the whole truth about March 1.”

Ara Papian does not think that the failure of the news conference has been directed by the current authorities. According to another opinion that he has heard, the aforementioned was directed by Kocharyan so that he would not answer questions.

If Robert Kocharyan wants to speak, he can organize a press conference today, invite reporters to his house, and answer questions on live broadcast.”

According to Ara Papian, the trial should be fair and competitive. “I am convinced that whatever decision the court will make, some part of the society will not accept it. If Justice was through the phone call, they would not release Kocharyan,” he said.