The evening of memory of greatest Soviet composer Arno Babajanyan will be held on Sept. 27 in Administration of the President of Russian Federation

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 24 2018
The evening of memory of greatest Soviet composer Arno Babajanyan will be held on September 27 in Administration of the President of Russian Federation

Moscow September 24

Elite Babayan. September 27 at 19:00 in the large conference hall of the Presidential Administration in Moscow will host a memorial evening "As long as I can remember, I live", dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the death of the outstanding Soviet composer and pianist Arno Babajanyan.

Exactly 35 years ago – on November 11, 1983 the great Soviet composer Arno Babajanyan passed away, leaving a rich cultural heritage to millions of his admirers. This date annually unites millions of hearts. "This year's memorial concert program will feature – in high recognition sign of reverence and respect for the merits of the maestro, his most famous works will be performed within the walls of a large conference hall of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of Russia", – he informed in a conversation with ArmInfo Sarkisyants, the general producer of the International Fund for the Memory of Arno Babadzhanyan, was the ArmInfo correspondent in Moscow.

Famous Russian and Armenian singers – Jean Tatlian, Zaur Tutov, Alexey Glyzin, Natalya Manulik, Armine Sargsyan, Gagik Ezakyan and others will take part in the concert.

The organizer of the memorial evening is the United Trade Union Committee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Staff of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Co-organizers are the International Memorial Fund Arno Babajanyan and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with the assistance of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Russia and the All-Russian Public Organization of the Union of Armenians of Russia. Information partner of the event is Information Company ArmInfo.

The great maestro moved to Moscow in 1956. The composer gained great popularity as a songwriter, successfully collaborated with the poet R. Rozhdestvensky and singer M. Magomayev. Phenomenal success fell to the share of songs written in co-authorship with E.Evtushenko, A.Voznesensky, L.Derbenev. "Song of the first love" and "Yerevan" are perceived today as a hymn to the native city.

Only favorite Moscow – the best city in the world, maestro dedicated 5 songs. But Moscow did not remain indebted to the greatest composer. In 2001, in Moscow, in recognition of the maestro's merits, the Arnaud Babajanyan Star was opened. In 2008, in the Gazette Lane – in the house where the maestro lived almost 30 years, a memorial plaque by the sculptor Tigran Arzumanyan was installed. In 2013, by order of the Department of Culture of Moscow, one of the Moscow schools was renamed the Children's Music School named after Arno Babajanian. Last year, on the initiative of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Russian airline Aeroflot assigned one of its aircrafts the name of Arno Babajanyan – A.BABAJANYAN.