EU Ambassador sees “flexibility and pragmatism” in Armenia cooperation


The Armenian government has displayed flexibility and pragmatism in cooperating with the European Union, EU Ambassador to Armenia Piotr Switalski told reporters today, mentioning that he is pleased with the cooperation.

“We recommended the government to revise previously discussed issues after the domestic political changes. And I understand that the new government was very busy during the summer months. I can say that the 2018 action plan mostly reflects our previously implemented work. Since the new government displayed flexibility and pragmatism, I can say that I am satisfied with our cooperation,” he said, adding that they have discussions with the new government over the 2019 action plan.

The Ambassador noted that the government has outlines rather broad boundaries for defining priorities. The EU has also recommended revising budgetary assistance programs. “This, certainly was unprecedented. We usually don’t take such actions with new governments. But we understand that a change has taken place. We received new documents about the developments of various sectors from the government. We are satisfied over them [documents]. I’ve had a good first impression from these proposals. Their demands are acceptable for us,” the EU Ambassador said.

He described the contacts of the two parties as “rather constructive”.