Former Police Officer becomes candidate of MP (video)

After 23 years of service in the police, Armen Khachatryan decided to replace the uniform with civilian clothes. The former deputy chief of the Traffic Police Department sees himself in politics.

“On November 13, I resigned from the post of the RA Police Deputy Chief by the reason of being nominated for a deputy,” Armen Khachatryan told “A1+.”

Colonel Khachatryan, who recently jointed the Civil Contract Party , wished to use the knowledge and experience gained in the police system in legislative functions. “I feel more comfortable and satisfied when I can fully utilize my knowledge and experience, and do not have any limitations. While being in the police, in the service, it already sets limits by the laws, and the limits of these powers in the National Assembly are quite wide, which was the main reason for becoming MP candidates.”

There was no any problem in the police, neither ideological, nor working, there were no problems in the party as well, even though his views on the speedometers and cameras did not coincide with the members of the party. The government headed by Nikol Pashinyan and personally Pashinyan find that Armenian citizens are not matters of fined, and speed cameras and cameras should not be increased. But Armen Khachatryan has been for them. Former Police Officer also participated in the preparation of the legislative package on the issue.

“The essence of the package lies in the fact that safety is rising, the efficiency of administrative responsibility increases and the social burden decreases. That is, we do not fine, but we do not allow him to commit the offense,” Khachatryan said.