The word “value” is a unique term, in which appearances, events, people and organizations will have an importance. To value something, means to be immersed in its essence and make it immortal. There are values which are immortal and inspire groups and/or individuals, to embrace the ultimate example, follow them and apply them in their lives.
The Armenian people have many values among which, the Armenian school is one of the leading spots at the top. This cradle is the nest of many values, where such values are presented to the new and impressionable minds of the younger generation, where values are preserved, lived, and new ones are bred.
A value is preserved only when it is appreciated; otherwise it will be lost and no longer remembered. Inside its mystical walls, the Armenian school projects a visual silhouette, where generations are shaped and nurtured with visions of a purposeful future to become the future leaders of the community and serve its people.
The spiritual and national awareness and passion for education are the essence of Armenian school’s importance and basis of its existence. The Armenian school, first and the foremost, is the assurance of the two essential components of our lives – Christian and Armenian.
The Armenian school nurtures the Armenian student to start the scholastic day reciting an Armenian prayer. Prayer, which is the pillar of Christian faith, thus becomes a pillar of the Armenian school. The titans of our alphabet and literature inspired by the passion of Mesrob Mashdots, created the atmosphere to speak and pray in Armenian and to be better Armenians.
In the Armenian school, the Word of God becomes alive on the lips of the students while praying in Armenian, singing in Armenian, reading and speaking in Armenian. The preservation of the Armenian language may be a challenge to encounter and overcome for those of us in the diaspora, which requires selfless dedication and sacrifice.
The Armenian Church and Christian education are essential and integral components of the Armenian school because the individual’s belief in God is a pillar in our collective existence.
Therefore, appreciating, guarding and nurturing the Armenian school, we also insure everlasting propagation of our spiritual and national values.