The Christian Democratic Revival Party does not believe in Gallup polls, and believes it will be in the new parliament

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 24 2018
The Christian Democratic Revival Party does not believe in Gallup polls, and believes it will be in the new parliament

Yerevan November 24

Tatevik Shagunyan. The Christian Democratic Revival Party does not believe in Gallup polls, and believes it will be in the new parliament. The party leader, political scientist Levon Shirinyan said this at a press conference today.

He did not rule out the fact that at the time of the survey the rating of the party could have been low, since it was only being created at that time. "But our rating grows with a geometrical progression, and we will find ourselves in parliament. We have a large group of associates and associates," he assured. Shirinyan also stressed that the PCDV is not a party of one person, unlike other political forces: "This is a democratic party, preaching national conservative values, which does not see itself in a bloc with other political forces."

In turn, party member Hayk Sukiasyan said that the party has a specific political and economic program. "On the economic plane, we oppose the form of liberalism that is now used in Armenia. We consider it necessary to switch to ortholiberalism, that is, the socialist system of a market economy," he said.

As a member of the party, Mariam Manukyan, said, the symbol of the PCDV is the white dove that will accompany them during the entire campaign. "This is Noah's pigeon who brought the good news about the end of the universal flood," explained Manukyan, adding that the party will begin its election campaign on November 26 from Republic Square and head to Holy See Echmiadzin, where in the Hripsime church will receive a blessing for the start of agitation.

Let us note, by the way, that the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin made a statement today, inviting people on the eve of the start of the campaign for the December elections to visit churches and take part in the Divine Liturgy. "The Holy See Echmiadzin invites our pious people next Sunday, on the eve of the start of the campaign for extraordinary parliamentary elections, to visit churches and take part in the Divine Liturgy ceremony, praying for an unshakable, prosperous and progressive life of the Motherland and a good course of parliamentary elections," the statement reads.