Armenia: New wiretapped phone conversation leaks online

PanArmenian, Armenia
Dec 5 2018

PanARMENIAN.Net – A wiretapped phone conversation between Armenia’s National Security Service director, Artur Vanetsyan, and acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan landed online on Wednesday, December 5.

The two appear to be discussing the situation surrounding the Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization as well as individuals – particularly former President Robert Kocharyan – tied to the March 1, 2008 post-election crackdown, during which eight civilians and two police officers were killed after a standoff with security officials..

Vanetsyan then discusses the question with his SIS counterpart, Sasun Khachatryan.

On September 11, a recording of a conversation Vanetsyan had with Khachatryan, was leaked on social media and went viral. The conversation, the authenticity of which was confirmed by both, centered on the arrests and prosecution of individuals tied to the March 1, 2008 post-election crackdown. The two were discussing the arrest and the possibility of remand for Yuri Khachaturov, the secretary general of the CSTO who was Armenia’s deputy defense minister during the March 1 events. Khachaturov was charged with breaching Armenia’s constitutional order as was former president Robert Kocharian, who was remanded after official charges were filed. A higher court later reversed the remand decision. Khachaturov was set free on bail and was allowed to return to Moscow to continue his duties as CSTO secretary-general.

A video below offers the translated version of all the conversations.

The audio can be listened to at the link: