ANCC Statement on Armenia’s Early Parliamentary Elections

National Committee of Canada

National Arménien du Canada


Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622

E-mail/Courriel:[email protected]





Sevag Belian (613) 235-2622



ANCC Statement on Armenia’s Early
Parliamentary Elections


Today, the Armenian National
Committee of Canada (ANCC) joins the international community in welcoming the
fair and democratic conduct of Armenia’s early parliamentary elections that
were held on Sunday, December 9


Sunday’s early parliamentary
elections were praised as being the most fair and democratic elections held in
Armenia, since gaining independence in 1991.


In their preliminary official statement
released today, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s
(OSCE) international observer mission stated, “The 9 December early
parliamentary elections were held with respect for fundamental freedoms and
enjoyed broad public trust that needs to be preserved through further electoral


Following Election Day, the head
of the OSCE/ODIHR Observer Mission, Ursula Gacek said, “Armenia has never had
such elections”, dubbing it as the most fair and democratic one in
Armenia’s history.


Commenting on the elections, ANCC
President Shahen Mirakian said, “These elections give us a sense of assurance
that Armenia has solidified its commitment to democratic standards and is on a
path to becoming an exemplary model in its immediate region.”


“In a geographical area identified
by autocratic and rogue states, Armenia now stands as a beacon of hope and
progress, and we are particularly proud that today, Canada stands as a proud
partner in Armenia’s promising future” concluded Mirakian.   









The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Canadian-Armenian
grassroots human rights organization. Working in coordination with a network of
offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and affiliated organizations
around the world, the ANCC actively advances the concerns of the Canadian-Armenian
community on a broad range of issues and works to eliminate abuses of human
rights throughout Canada and the world.

Sevag Belian – Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of Canada
T: (613) 235-2622 | C: (905) 329-8526