Armenia’s Democracy Strong, Parliamentary Elections Praised by International Observers





Contact: Danielle Saroyan

Telephone: (202) 393-3434





– In a proud moment for the Republic of Armenia, the will of its citizens
for a more democratic and transparent government has prevailed in open
parliamentary elections, consolidating the previous gains registered during the
peaceful protests for change in April this year. The Armenian Assembly of
America (Assembly) congratulates Nikol Pashinyan and the citizens of Armenia, and
is invigorated by the future in store for the nation.


“Armenians living in Armenia and around the world should
take great pride in the country’s successful elections. Since Armenia’s Velvet
Revolution began last April, my heart has been full watching Armenians from all
walks of life engage politically, make demands of their government, and spur
progress towards a truly representative democracy. I look forward to continuing
to work with Prime Minister Pashinyan, other Members of Congress, and the
Armenian people as we strengthen Armenia’s democracy and our nations’ ties,” Congressional
Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chair Congresswoman Jackie Speier told the
Armenian Assembly.

“There was a remarkable change in Armenia and at the
ballot box yesterday. The way Armenia conducts itself going forward has changed,
and we have the Armenian citizens and their political will for a fully free,
just, and equal nation to thank. Yesterday’s elections marked an important step
forward towards establishing a stronger and more robust democratic framework
for Armenia, which stands in sharp contrast to the bordering hostile nations of
Azerbaijan and Turkey whose governments’ corruption and unjust imprisonment of
journalists worsen by the day. Armenia represents hope, and the Armenian
Assembly of America will do everything in its capacity to foster this courageous
optimism and work with the United States Government to strengthen not only the
hope but the prosperity of Armenia,” stated Armenian Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony
Barsamian and Van Krikorian.


With initial results released, the United States
Embassy to Armenia stated: “Congratulations to the Armenian people on a
successful election yesterday!”


“The winners in yesterday’s elections were clearly
the people of Armenia, who brought good spirit and energy to this election,” said
Peter Osusky, Special Co-ordinator and leader of the short-term Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observer mission. “Democracy
cannot proceed without trust, so I am pleased that broad public trust was the
central characteristic of this election. Now that voters have delivered their
message, it is up to the political leadership in Armenia to ensure that this
momentum is maintained, and further reforms are implemented to fully
consolidate the positive assessment we are making today.”


During the press conference, Osusky added that the
observers praised the “open atmosphere” during the political campaigns that
enabled real substantive debate. “Members of our own team noted with regard to
the leaders’ debate held last week that they would like to see similar debates
in their own countries,” Osusky said.


“Our assessment of these elections highlights that
fundamental freedoms were respected, along with many other positives,” said
Ambassador Urszula Gacek, Head of the election observation mission from the
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.


Published in the initial report of the OSCE Office
for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly (OSCE PA), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
and the European Parliament (EP), observers affirmed that “election day
proceeded calmly and free of pressure on or intimidation of voters, and voting,
counting, and tabulation were assessed positively by almost all observers.”


“These elections were very well organized, with
minimum irregularities and free of pressure on voters. I am very happy that, as
a result, public trust in the electoral process was high,” said Heidi Hautala,
Head of the delegation from the European Parliament. “We congratulate the
Armenian authorities and participants in these elections and encourage the
government and the National Assembly to further improve the legislation ahead
of future elections.”


According to the preliminary election results
released by the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan’s
My Step Alliance won 70.1% of the votes; the Prosperous Armenia Party won 8.2%;
and Bright Armenia won 6.3%.


Other parties and blocs running for the elections
failed to meet the 5% threshold to make it into the 101-seat National Assembly
with the Republican Party (HHK) scoring 4.7%; the ARF-Dashnaktsutyun party with
3.9%; Menk Alliance with 2%; Sasna Tsrer Party with 1.81%; Rule of Law Party
with 1%; Citizen’s Decision Party with 0.68%; Christian-Democratic Renaissance
Party with 0.5%; and National Progress Party with 0.33% of the votes.


Having won a majority of the seats in parliament,
Pashinyan has a strong mandate to continue the path of political and economic
reforms ushered in by Armenia’s own Velvet Revolution.


Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of
America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting
public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.





