Pashinyan: All citizens of Armenia have government formed by free, fair elections, Armenia
Jan 26 2019
Pashinyan: All citizens of Armenia have government formed by free, fair elections Pashinyan: All citizens of Armenia have government formed by free, fair elections

20:33, 26.01.2019

YEREVAN.- All citizens of Armenia have a government formed by  free, fair, democratic and legitimate elections and one of the government's responsibilities is to ensure normal life in the country and ensure the rights and freedoms of the people. His remarks came during enlarged session of the Armenian Police.

“People can express their opinions. There can be no talk about restricting the freedom of rallies, marches, and protest actions in Armenia but this does not mean that everyone who has problems should block roads and customs points,” the Prime Minister stressed.

In this context, the head of government touched upon the stereotype formed on democratic governance.

“It seems to many people that democracy is when everyone does what they want and when they want. Democracy is the system with the most rigorous legal system, because the rule of law is one of the key conditions for democracy, ”he said.