Asbarez: Homenetmen Western United States Region Hosts Annual Christmas Party

GLENDALE—On January 10, the newly elected Regional Committee of Homenetmen Western United States started off the year by holding its Annual Christmas Party at the City of Glendale’s distinguished Phoenicia Restaurant. The event was attended in full capacity with more than 200 attendees including those of Homenetmen’s Regional Committee, community leaders, members, and supporters of the Armenian American community in the region.

Appropriately, the Christmas Party began with the Archbishop of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, His Eminence, Moushegh Mardirossian, delivering the invocation and Holy Message hope, peace and prosperity to those present and longevity to Homenetmen as the Armenian American community’s second home.

Archbishop Mardirossian’s holy message was followed by Homenetmen Western Region’s Chairperson, Hagop Tufenkian, whose message of Homenetmen’s rich vein and stature over the last hundred years will no doubt continue and grow in leaps and bounds in the next one hundred years, and that “our work is never done,” but in continuous transformation to the better. He urged his committee members to strive to do better and encouraged supporters to join in to ensure Homenetmen’s future shines bright in perpetuity.

With the New Year full steam ahead, the Homenetmen Western U.S. Regional Executive Committee is ready to face the challenges that lie ahead and the successes that beckon to be reaped.

Having decades of experience in Homenetmen, each individual committee member brings unsurpassed knowledge and experience to help propel this venerable organization farther than ever before. With its volunteer base of at least 700 members and supporters, Homenetmen’s 6,000 members can rest assured that this well-loved institution is on a trajectory with one aim, to achieve greater acclaim and succeed unimpeded. Only a well-traveled, storied and ubiquitous organization like Homenetmen can accomplish all that it has to date and be around to share its unique story. After celebrating its centennial just a few short months ago in Armenia, Western United States and everywhere else Homenetmen has found a permanent home, all of it was and is possible simply because Homenetmen’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Guests who took part in the festivities included Homenetmen Central Executive Member, Vigen Davidian, past Honorary Presidents Hamlet and Greta Chraghchian, Varant and Hoori Melkonian, Bedig and Mary Fermanian, Vicken Apelian, Sarkis Nourian, Gagik Gevorkian, Andy Andonian, Shant Haytayan, Sarkis and Sousy Kitsinian, current exemplary Homenetmen member Koko Balian, past exemplary Homenetmen members Jasik Jarahian, Zakar Chorbajian, Koko Megerian and Berdj Djamdjian, Homenetmen Executive Committee Members Hagop Tufenkjian (Chairperson), Sevag Garabedian (Vice Chair), Raffi Varjabedian, Taline Ghazarian, Anita Derderian, Hrach Galoustian, Jhanclod Vartanian, Souzy Ohanian, Harout Momjian, Nora Tchaparian, Siamanto Avakian.

Homenetmen Western U.S. Regional Executive extends its sincere gratitude to Phoenicia Restaurant for their great accommodations and food, past Honorary Presidents, Sarkis Pastry for the delectable desserts, Super King Markets for donating the beverages, long time Homenetmen members, supporters and generous donors.

Our special gratitude goes to Varant and Hoori Melkonian for sponsoring the event.