Foreign Ministry: Manipulation of Armenian Genocide issue amid Turkish-Israeli spat ‘unacceptable’

Panorama, Armenia

Manipulation of the Armenian Genocide issue against the backdrop of tensions in Turkish-Israeli relations is unacceptable for Armenia, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan told reporters at a briefing on Wednesday.

“The recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide is first and foremost a moral issue,” she said, reflecting on the recent Erdogan-Netanyahu spat, which made a reference to the Genocide issue.

Commenting on Armenian-Israeli relations and plans to open an Armenian embassy in Israel, the spokesperson said expansion of Armenia’s diplomatic representations is always on the agenda of the Foreign Ministry.

Separately, she slammed Azerbaijan’s conduct of large-scale military drills on its territory without a prior notification as a serious violation of international commitments that no way contributes to regional confidence-building measures.

Naghdalyan said Armenia’s representative at the OSCE has raised the issue, demanding an explanation from Azerbaijan.

Asked to comment on Azerbaijan’s deployment of a new military base on the border with Armenia, Naghdalyan stressed both Artsakh and Armenia have determination and capacities to defend themselves and retaliate.

She said Azerbaijan’s application of mortars on Artsakh border after a long break on March 13 also does not contribute to preparing populations to peace and strengthening atmosphere of trust.