Prosperous Armenia Party MP on consideration of new Tax Code, Armenia
Prosperous Armenia Party MP on consideration of new Tax Code Prosperous Armenia Party MP on consideration of new Tax Code

22:05, 21.03.2019

There are issues that spark our concern. This is what Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration Mikayel Melkumyan declared after the closed meeting that the MPs representing the Prosperous Armenia Party had wit Head of the State Revenue Committee Davit Ananyan. According to Melkumyan, the government hasn’t been able to submit the new Tax Code to the parliament for consideration for the past eight months. “The government wants to change everything it gets its hands on, after which people hold protests and the government rejects its initiative. This is not the principle under which the Tax Code can be considered,” the MP emphasized.

Melkumyan also stated that citizens often create and secure jobs for themselves without any help or government intervention, and in this case, essential increase of state duties may cause a serious blow to small and medium businesses and lead to the closure of many businesses. “If a certain company or organization is referred to as a “financial company or organization”, this still doesn’t mean that they have billions in circulation. Armenia’s economy is a market economy, but it is not the classic market economy,” Melkumyan clarified.