Analyst: There are constructive processes in Karabakh conflict settlement talks, Armenia
Analyst: There are constructive processes in Karabakh conflict settlement talks Analyst: There are constructive processes in Karabakh conflict settlement talks

16:45, 20.04.2019

YEREVAN. – Constructive processes are observed in the talks on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) conflict. 

Yerevan Press Club President, analyst Boris Navasardian, told about the above-said to Armenian News-

In his words, this is conditioned by the balance of power in the military domain, and by the negotiating persons.

“I see that the foreign ministers of the two countries [Armenia and Azerbaijan] succeed in finding common ground,” Navasardian stressed. “But we realize that Azerbaijan will never give up the chance to achieve military superiority over Armenia in order to conduct negotiations from the position of power. Therefore, we need to pay close attention to security issues, which are directly dependent on the economy.”

As per the analyst, even though the Madrid Principles can no longer serve as a basis for the Karabakh peace process, some of its elements may still be applicable.

“For example, the element of increasing trust between the [conflicting] parties, [and] which exists in those precepts, must be maintained and developed,” he added, in particular.

And when asked whether Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan continues the policy which third President Serzh Sargsyan was running with respect to the Karabakh issue, the analyst responded that this is impossible given that the PM has a high level of internal legitimacy which the third president did not have.

“Internal legitimacy, as is known, directly impacts the foreign policy content,” Boris Navasardian concluded. “In this sense, Nikol Pashinyan has an advantage.”