Songs of Exile

Please attend the upcoming presentation on The Naghash
Ensemble: “Songs of Exile” — Armenian Music in Contemporary Culture
” by John Hodian, on May 16 at 7:30 pm in Merdinian. Come and enjoy
traditional folk and spiritual music in a totally new format! Please view the details in the flier below.

Please view the presentation on “ԱՆՅՃԱՐԻ ՀԻՄՆԱԴՐՈՒԹԻՒՆԸ, ԶԱՐԳԱՑՄԱՆ ՓՈՒԼԵՐԸ եւ ՄԱՐՏԱՀՐԱՒԷՐՆԵՐԸ“, by՝ Վահրամ Շէմմասեան, in:
Please also view the video for “The Ethiopian Armenian Community”, by Asbed Pogarian in the following link:

please find the ARPA Institute annual Newsletter/Report link. Please
read it and let us know what you think and if you have any suggestions
or criticisms, we would like to learn about them:
Please also view the videos of the latest ARPA presentations on: 1. “The 1862 Zeytun Rebellion and the Armenian Press”, 2. “Transforming Identity or the case of Musa Dagh after 1915” and 3. “The Azgagrakan Movement: An Embodied form of Armenian Nationalism” by Aram Ghoogasian, Khoren Grigoryan and Armen Adamian in the following links:

Նաեւ Հաճեցէք դիտել Դասական հայերէնն իբրեւ Հայոց ինքնակայ քաղաքակրթութեան հիմնասիւն ներկայացման տեսանիւթը հետեւեալին վրայ սեղմելով՝
Please view the video on “A Tribute to Those Who Perished, Gyumri: 30 Years of Challenges and Recovery by Gegham Mughnetsyan” in the following link:

Please also view the video on “How Armenia Can Cycle and Scoot Its Way To Prosperity” By Terenig Topjian,  in the link:


GO TO: to donate and/or get more information about ARPA activities.
also view the link below and see how you can help ARPA Institute raise
more funds. See how you can add to the close to $20000 that have been
raised thus far.

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default search engine and do a few searches a day for ARPA Institute
(select ARPA Institute as your cause). If 1000 people do one search per
day, we can earn close to $4000 per year. So, please use GOODSEARCH for
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