Register of Commission documents: Int’l abduction by the armed forces of the Rep. of Azerbaijan Document date: 2019-05-06 P8_QE(2019)002069 …

European Union News
May 8, 2019 Wednesday
Register of Commission documents: International abduction by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan Document date: 2019-05-06 P8_QE(2019)002069 Questions for written answer
Brussels: Public Register European Parliament has issued the following document: 1183118.EN PE 638.329 Question for written answer E-002069/2019 to the Commission Rule 130 Laura Agea (EFDD) and Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD) Subject: International abduction by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan Karen Ghazarian, an Armenian citizen resident in Berdavan, on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, with certified problems of a psychiatric nature, was captured by the Azerbaijani authorities on 17 July 2018, in unknown circumstances, in the Tavush region. On 27 February 2019 the Military Court of Ganja, in Azerbaijan, sentenced him to 20 years’ imprisonment, charging him with ‘crimes against life and health’, ‘economic crimes’, ‘crimes against public safety’ and ‘crimes against the constitutional order and security of the state’, without having or submitting any evidence relating to such charges.
In view of the above: 1) What specific measures will the Commission call for to secure the release of Karen Ghazaryan, given the purely humanitarian nature of the situation, also in view of the fact that the International Committee of the Red Cross has just expressed concern that the medicines needed for his treatment are not being properly administered? 2) What specific measures will the Commission propose also with a view to creating an atmosphere of mutual trust between the two parties in conflict?