Pashinyan: Armenia is not going to engage in geopolitical games

Arminfo, Armenia
June 7 2019
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo. Armenia is not going to engage in geopolitical games.  Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this at a plenary session of the St. Petersburg  International Economic Forum, answering a question regarding the  foreign policy sympathies of the Republic of Armenia.

According to Pashinyan, the EU is interested in developing relations  with the Russian Federation. Evidence of this, as the prime minister  pointed out, was the participation in the Forum of the heads of two  European countries, Bulgaria and Slovakia. "The EU supports Armenia  in its striving to develop relations with the Russian Federation," he  said.

As the head of the Armenian government pointed out, Armenia is  transparent in its relations with the EU to its Russian partners.  Armenia is also transparent in relations with the Russian Federation  to the Europeans, except for some nuances related to security issues,  Pashinyan said.

According to the Prime Minister, today many people in the world have  realized that geopolitical games do not benefit anyone, especially  those countries and peoples that are becoming the scene of this  confrontation. "Therefore, Armenia is not going to engage in  geopolitical games. We are going to develop normal relations with the  Russian Federation>, he declared.

The prime minister reminded that today Armenia is the chairing  country in the EEU. <We, as a member of the EAEU, will continue to  contribute to improving relations between members of the Union.  Perhaps, the tools available to Armenia are not so great, but we will  contribute to global security, stability and cooperation, "he said.

In addition, as Pashinyan stressed, the dynamics of the development  of relations with China are now being noted. "Both China, Russia and  the EU are interested in global stability," he said. As for relations  with the EU, then, according to Pashinyan, Armenia cooperates with  this structure in the direction of carrying out reforms in the  judicial-legal system. To the clarifying question, is it possible to  unequivocally say that Armenia has already made its choice in favor  of the EAEU, the Prime Minister noted that the RA is a member of the  structure. "This is the only economic integration process in which we  participate," he said, adding that Armenia could become a bridge  between China, Iran, the EU and the Russian Federation.  The head of  the Armenian Cabinet also shared the formula for resolving  misunderstandings. "When everyone is unhappy, everything must be done  so that everyone is happy," he said. Pashinyan pointed out the only  way to achieve this goal – a compromise. "Understanding each other's  interests, and respecting those interests," he concluded.