We benefit from Pashinyan’s actions, the co-founder of Adekvat party says

Panorama, Armenia

The co-founder of the newly -established opposition party Adekvat Artur Danielyan says they back the initiative of Veto movement to block Soros foundation’s office Yerevan. Danielyan along with his supporters was presented on Tuesday at a protest action staged by Veto movement in front of Yerevan’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) office. 

The protestors are periodically blocking the OSF office entrance holding posters reading "Stop Soros!", "Beware, Soros!" and photos of George Soros, Larisa Minasyan, the head of the Armenian branch of the Foundation, and of some officials, who, in the opinion of activists, always received direct funding from the Soros Foundation.

Speaking of recent detentions of Adekvat activists  by police, Danielyan said they are ready for any development and the attempts by authorities “to silence and neutralize them are of no avail” and instead may strengthen and mobilize them.

“Whenever authorities resort to restrictive measures, we benefit in terms of human, financial and media resources. The steps by authorities also spark debates on social media as most users wonder why Nikol Pashinyan takes action we may only benefit from,” Danielyan said.

Over the past month the police have detained Danielyan and his supporters on several occasions with the latest incident occurred on June 8after police received a phone call saying that  Adekvat activists were terrorizing citizens. 
