Sports: Cadet C’ship: Armenian wrestlers win 2 medals and Armen Nazaryan’s son takes gold

MediaMax, Armenia
Cadet C’ship: Armenian wrestlers win 2 medals and Armen Nazaryan’s son takes gold

Homeros Arakelyan (45kg weight class) took the bronze after beating Rokas Cepauskas (Lithuania) 9-0.

Armen Harutyunyan (51kg) got the bronze medal as well, winning the match against Nihad Guluzade (Azerbaijan) 6-3.

In the same weight class, the gold medal went to Edmond Nazaryan, son of famous Armenian wrestler and Olympic champion Armen Nazaryan, who represents Bulgaria.

He beat Baris Erbek (Turkey) 8-0.

Earlier in the tournament, Vigen Nazaryan (80kg, not related to Edmond Nazaryan) brought Armenia silver and Karapet Manvelyan (48kg) won the bronze medal.
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