ARF Launches Repatriates’ Assistance Office

“Hayrenadarts” is the center established by the ARF to help repatriates

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Supreme Council of Armenia has launched a service office for Diaspora Armenians who have either repatriated to Armenia or are planning to do so.

The office’s function is to provide advice, assistance and guidance to repatriates. The office will provide information and on residency paperwork, driving license, registration, service in the Armenian army, as well as educational, health, insurance, employment, and movable assets and real estate registration.

The office is located at 30 Hanrapetutyun Street, “Simon Vratsian” Center, 1st floor, room 16. Its hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Yerevan time. The office may be contacted via email at [email protected] or by calling 094-519-119. Visit and follow the initiative on Facebook.