Armenpress: ”My step for Shirak Province” investment-business forum kicks off in Gyumri

'My step for Shirak Province'' investment-business forum kicks off in Gyumri




YEREVAN, JULY 20, ARMENPRESS. ''My step for Shirak Province'' investment-business forum and local production exhinition kicked off in Gyumri on July 20.

PM Pashinyan and Shirak Governor Tigran Petrisyan will deliver welcoming remarks, followed by panel discussions. Nearly 50 investmentprojects will be presented.

The forum's slogan is ''Start from Shirak''. Days before the start of the forum website was launched.

“My step for Shirak region” business forum, initiated by the Government of the Republic of Armenia, aims to create a platform, which will promote the development of the economy and the communities of Shirak region through multilateral collaboration among local and foreign businesses.

The Forum makes an opportunity to present the economic potential, development prospectives of the Region, as well as ready-made investment projects.

As ARMENPRESS was inforemdf rom the press service of Shirak Governorate, based on the peculiarities of Shirak region 3 directions were defined: IT/Industry, Tourism, Agriculture

The forum will be launched by the Business Expo, where more than 50 companies will present their products and services.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan