CSU Summer Arts is the perfect pick-me-up for creative juices

Fresno Bee, CA
CSU Summer Arts is the perfect pick-me-up for creative juices

It is Day One of CSU Summer Arts at Fresno State. This is not new to me. I’ve been taking writing classes since 2008 in an effort to be the best storyteller, memory keeper, columnist and author humanly possible.

Arriving early, finding a patch of shaded grass, I remove jewelry as if some sacred ritual is about to take place. Off comes the silver bracelet cuff, my favorite necklace – a giant untarnished heart, wedding rings, oversized earrings, reading glasses outlined in zebra stripes. Unearthed of worldly props, I make a journal entry that reads: Who am I when nobody is looking?

The Starbucks coffee cup unevenly placed on the ground tips over, its liquid stain sinking into the earth as if running from the scene, disappearing before my eyes. For an instant, I disappear, too, or at least consider rethinking my decision to enroll in yet another memoir writing course. As the brochure underscores, this program pushes students beyond limits, breaks boundaries, and is quite possibly the hardest work you’ll ever do to master your craft, whether it’s writing, dancing, acting, animating, painting, photography or making music.

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