NGO voices alarm about declining population of crayfish in Sevan

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 3 2019

“The House of Environmentalist” NGO has published on Facebook a video about results of an underwater research in Lake Sevan, voicing alarm about deteriorating ecosystem of the lake due to population decline of the fish.

In an accompanying message to the video, the NGO cites divers saying there is enough food for fish to breed in the lake, yet the their population decline due to irregular and constant volumes of hunting.

Another concern voiced by the NGO is about the abundance of unused traps on the underwater surface. According to them, most of the traps are worn out and rotten yet crayfish are still entangled there, causing population declines. If there were no helpful divers, the situation would deteriorate event at a faster pace.

 Highlighting the significance of Lake Sevan for Armenians, the NGO calls on the Ministry of Environment to support ArmDiving Club in cleaning the underwater surfaces from unused traps.