Lawsuit for returning Armenian Catholicosate of Sis building again filed in Turkey, Armenia
Aug 26 2019
Lawsuit for returning Armenian Catholicosate of Sis building again filed in Turkey Lawsuit for returning Armenian Catholicosate of Sis building again filed in Turkey

18:03, 26.08.2019

Armenians have again filed a lawsuit with the Turkish courts, and in connection with the return of the building of the Armenian Catholicosate of Sis, in Adana Province of Turkey.

Representatives of the Armenian diaspora have filed a lawsuit—by way of attorneys—with the Adana Province 2nd Court of Administrative Cases, demanding the return of the building of the Sis Catholicosate, BeyazGazete website of Turkey reported.

In 2014, Diaspora Armenians had petitioned to the Constitutional Court of Turkey regarding the return of this building, but the court had declined from considering this petition.

Subsequently, this lawsuit was filed with the European Court of Human Rights.