Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs proposes to continue the liquidation of boarding schools, rebuilding them in day centers

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 23 2019
Asya Balayan

ArmInfo.The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia proposes to close four boarding schools providing round-the-clock childcare, giving priority  to day centers and the establishment of community service centers in  more than 30 settlements. This is stated in a statement released by  the ministry on Friday.

In particular, we are talking about the closure of institutions: < Dilijan Boarding>, <Byureghavan Boarding>, <Gyumri Boarding School N  2 named after Fridtjof Nansen>, <Gyumri Boarding School N1>.

<The basis of the policy of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs  of the Republic of Armenia is the idea that the poor socio-economic  situation of families should not be the basis for transferring  children from families to specialized institutions, and state support  should not be aimed at protecting the institution, but at helping  families, providing reunion of children with families and preventing  the arrival of new children in boarding schools>, the social agency  said in a statement.

It should be noted that work to realize the right of children to live  in a family began several years ago, as part of it, three of the  seven boarding schools have already been converted to day care  centers.

The current policy of the Ministry is to provide the necessary  services in day care centers through the delegation of public  organizations, which will be selected on a competitive basis.

<The Ministry plans to significantly expand the coverage of day  services from 2020, providing for the establishment of day centers  through delegated services in 30 large settlements, "the statement  said. As for the employees of boarding schools subject to  liquidation, they were invited to participate in state employment  programs, and those employees who have professional training were  invited to participate in the processes for preparing foster parents  to adopt a child into the family.

<All these proposals were officially submitted to institutions,  urging them to refrain from holding a new reception in September,  since the projects are at the last stage of completion>, the Ministry  of Labor and Social Affairs explained.