Commanders Leonid Azgaldyan, Vladimir Balayan posthumously awarded with Artsakh Hero titles

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 31 2019
Society 14:14 31/08/2019 Armenia

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan signed decrees on posthumously awarding Artsakh Hero, the highest title of the republic, to commanders Leonid Azgaldyan and Vladimir Balayan in connection with the 28th anniversary of the NKR independence.

As the Secretary at Artsakh National Security Council wrote on Facebook, the Golden Eagle medals were handed to the family members of the commanders during a solemn awarding ceremony.

To note, the "Hero of Artsakh" is awarded for exclusive services in the defence of the state, strengthening its economic might, and for creating significant national values. Individuals awarded with this highest title are also awarded the Golden Eagle Order.