The Minister of Health explained the reasons for the dismissal of the head of the Oncology Center after Fanarjyan, accusing him of major international fraud

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 3 2019
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo. Armenian Health Minister Arsen Torosyan explained the reasons for the dismissal of the head of the Oncology Center after Fanarjyan Armen Tananyan,  accusing him of major international fraud.

As the minister noted during the video broadcast, the dismissal of  Tananyan should be considered in the same logic as the dismissal of  the head of the Medical Center, St. Grigor Lusavorich, matchmaker of  the third president of Serzh Sargsyan, Ara Minasyan, who is accused  of large-scale misappropriation and abuse. <I should have made this  decision a year ago, but I did not have such an opportunity, since  the medical center was not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of  Health. Now I have a similar opportunity, and I made the only  decision that is right in the current situation>, Torosyan assured.

As a proof of his words, the minister cited a letter from the Iranian  company "Varan Armenia", which is engaged in the installation and  operation of equipment for the diagnosis of cancer. As it becomes  apparent from the letter of the head of the company, Mohammad  Shahran, published on the minister's page on Facebook, Tananyan  demanded to write down 50% of the company's shares in his name for  the installation and operation of this equipment in the center of  Fanarjyan, explaining that in any business in Armenia , 50% should be < donated> in favor of the authorities. Having agreed to this  condition, Iranian investors, however, demanded that their new  "partner" at least repair the part of the medical center where the  equipment should be installed, as well as buy some devices for its  safe operation. Agreeing to this, Tananyan subsequently renounced his  partnership obligations, motivating it with the fact that elections  were held in Armenia, and he "spent a lot" over this period,  therefore, he could not afford to invest in a new diagnostic center.

However, according to the minister, Tananyan, after the hype raised  the day before, has already returned to the Iranian company 50% of  the selected shares.

Torosyan assured that under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of  Health the center will develop steadily, not a single professional  will leave the institution: <And those doctors who were illegally  deprived of their bonuses will receive them stably>.

The minister also emphasized that he would be consistent in the issue  of removing the healthcare sector from the shadows: <Doctors will  receive high salaries, but at the white box office>.