168: Kocharyan’s attorney files motion to release ex-President on bail


Attorney of 2nd President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan filed a motion to release ex-President from pre-trial detention on bail.

Attorney Hovhannes Khudoyan asked the court to take into account the fact that Kocharyan’s property is under arrest while assessing the amount of bail.

“No fact, that could have at least cast doubt on Kocharyan’s hiding from the investigation, obstructing the investigation or any other action has been presented so far and cannot be presented”, the attorney said.

The Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction today ruled to reject the motion of attorneys of 2nd President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan to release him from pre-trial detention and suspend the criminal prosecution.

The 2nd President will remain in custody.

Robert Kocharyan currently is in pre-trial detention on charges of “overthrowing constitutional order” during the 2008 Yerevan unrest.