Mahatma Gandhi`s 150th birth anniversary commemorated in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 4 2019

ArmInfo.The 150th anniversary of the ideologist and leader of the national liberation  movement of India, Mahatma Gandhi, was celebrated in Armenia. The  event was organized by the Embassy of India in Armenia jointly with  the Russian Armenian University (RAU). At the event held in the  audience of RAU, the Ambassador of India to Armenia Kishan Dan Dewal  delivered a welcoming speech, which pointed to the relevance of  Gandhi's ideology in the modern era.

On the sidelines of the event, an exhibition of works by students of  Armenian schools dedicated to Gandhi was presented. The exhibition  was organized as part of the competition, and the four winners  received prizes from the hands of the Ambassador of India.

The event was attended by over 300 guests, including  parliamentarians, representatives of the Armenian government, the  Indian community, RAU students and others.

Before the event, Ambassador Dewal held a meeting with RAU Rector  Armen Darbinyan, with whom he discussed academic cooperation between  RAU and Indian universities.

Mahatma Gandhi, a famous freedom activist and an influential  political leader, played a dominant role in the nonviolent resistance  to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British  Rule. His philosophy of nonviolence inspired movements for civil  rights and freedom across the world.