Armenian MP expresses solidarity with former MEP from Cyprus currently wanted by Azerbaijan




YEREVAN, JANUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Chairman of the National Assembly Standing committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Mkhitar Hayrapetyan held a telephone conversation with former MEP from Cyprus Eleni Theocharous, who is wanted by Azerbaijan and expressed solidarity with her, ARMENPRESS reports Mkhitaryan wrote on his Facebook page.

“The Azerbaijani authorities have applied to the Government of Cyprus, requesting them to arrest and extradite the devoted friend of the Armenian people, former Member of the European Parliament Eleni Theocharous. We obviously deal with a very familiar demonstration of Azerbaijani hysteria. Starting from 2015 official Baku has applied to Interpol with the same request, to arrest the Cypriot official who has visited Artsakh, but all the requests were rejected.

As the Chairman of Armenia-Cyprus inter-parliamentary committee I discussed the situation in detail with my colleague Nikos Tornaritis, after which had a telephone conversation with Eleni Theocharous and expressed solidarity with her.

Politicians with such firm positions, struggling for justice and never being afraid of hardships are a good example not only for their own country, but also for other countries, while everyone in Azerbaijan should always remember that such miserable attempts to distract society from the country's internal problems will give no results in the long run”, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan wrote.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan