Seyran Ohanyan: The issue of surrendering territories to Azerbaijan has never been discussed with me

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 29 2020

ArmInfo.Former Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan stated that the third president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, did not discuss the issue of surrendering territories  with him.  Ohanyan said this on January 29 in an interview with  reporters.

He said: "I have repeatedly noted that we must fight for every inch  of the land, and today the issue of concessions is not the subject of  negotiations. If we are talking about some of the documents that were  discussed, then they were exclusively negotiations on some document.  And no one ever discussed with me the issue handling surrendering  territories, "the former defense minister emphasized.

It should be noted that at a press conference, Nikol Pashinyan  criticized the "heritage" of Serzh Sargsyan, which remained on the  Karabakh issue. Pashinyan, in particular, said that the previous  authorities were negotiating the surrender of seven regions to  Azerbaijan – Agdam, Fizuli, Dzhabrail, Zangelan, Kubatly, Kelbajar  and Lachin, with the condition of providing direct ground  communication between Artsakh and Armenia.