Film: Armenia will have its first-ever stand at Berlinale film market

PanArmenian, Armenia
Feb 12 2020
– 15:56 AMT

PanARMENIAN.NetArmenia will have its first-ever stand at the European Film Market of the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) in 2020, the country’s National Cinema Center said on Tuesday, February 11.

A film trade fair held simultaneously to the Berlinale, the EFM is the world’s third biggest industry meeting for the international film circuit.

The artistic director of the National Cinema Center, Melik Karapetyan, will also curate the Armenian stand at the event.

According to him, the booth will help Armenian producers and directors to better organize their work – meetings, presentations, events – within the film market.

The Armenian stand will be set up at Marriott Hotel.