Robert Kocharyan: People have already resolved the Karabakh issue

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 17 2020

ArmInfo. The portal of the second president of Armenia on its Facebook page published excerpts from the speech of the second president of Armenia Robert  Kocharyan, which reflect his position on the Karabakh issue.

In particular, he notes: "Our people have already resolved the  Karabakh issue. The negotiations today have one goal, to legitimize  what we already have today on this land," the second president of  Armenia emphasizes.

"I would like to emphasize that the current situation around  Nagorno-Karabakh is the consequence of the aggression of Azerbaijan  in 1991-1992 with the aim of ethnic cleansing of the Armenian  population, as well as Azerbaijan's refusal to accept the latest  proposals of mediators to resolve the conflict," Kocharyan  emphasized.

In response to a question from the head of the Azerbaijani delegation  to PACE, the second president of Armenia stated: "The world  recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and we recognize  it. But the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has nothing to do with the  territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Because you never had it. "And  you gained independence together with the Karabakh people. I  participated in the hostilities and I am proud of the result that we  have today."

It should be noted that on February 15, during a security conference  in Munich, a discussion took place between the Prime Minister of  Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Aliyev, in particular, noted that Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan and  the settlement of the conflict is possible only if it is returned to  the AR. He also added that Artsakh's belonging to Azerbaijan is  recognized by the international community, and it is an integral part  of Azerbaijan.

In turn, Nikol Pashinyan said: "Karabakh was never part of  independent Azerbaijan. Karabakh was included in Azerbaijan only  during the existence of the Soviet Union. Therefore, when we talk  about the territorial integrity of the state, we must first decide  which state we are talking about >, "he said, recalling that Artsakh  left the Azerbaijan SSR and the Soviet Union in the same way as the  Azerbaijan SSR left the USSR."