ACNIS reView from Yerevan #5, 2020_Weekly Update_8-15 February

Weekly Update   

16 FEBRUARY 2020  


  • The peace process over Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) was on the agenda of recent talks between Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and OSCE Secretary-General Thomas Greminger, informed Meeting on the sidelines of the 2020 Munich Security Conference, the two officials discussed, in particular, the recently held official summits. Minister Mnatsakakanyan stressed the importance of the Artsakh authorities’ direct engaement in the process, calling attention especially to issues dealing with the country’s security and status. The sides mutually emphasized the urgency of successive steps towards strengthening a peace-building atmosphere and preparing the Armenian and Azerbaijani populations for peace, highlighting, to that end, the OSCE's important role in the process.


  • ARMINFO reported, the leader of the Free Homeland party, former minister of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan submitted documents to the CEC for participation in the NKR presidential election. This was reported by the press service of the party. It should be noted that yesterday the speaker of the NKR National Assembly, the leader of the "Democratic Party of Artsakh" Ashot Ghoulian also presented his documents to the CEC. To recall, the documents were also submitted by the candidate from the Generation of Independence party Ruslan Israelyan, press secretary of the Artsakh President David Babayan from the Conservative Party of Artsakh, former secretary of the Karabakh Security Council Vitaly Balasanyan from the Justice party, Karabakh Foreign Minister Masis Mayilyan, self-nominated, David Ishkhanyan from the ARF Dashnaktsutyun party and self-nominated Sergei Amiryan. It should be noted that on March 31, 2020, presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Artsakh.


  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel hailed Germany’s increased cooperation with Armenia and significant changes in the South Caucasus state when she met with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian in Berlin on Thursday. It was their third meeting in 18 months. Merkel noted with satisfaction that German-Armenian relations have “intensified” since her previous talks with Pashinian held in August 2018 in Yerevan and in February 2019 in Berlin. “We will continue to talk today about deepening bilateral relations,” she said in a statement to the press made at the start of their latest meeting. Merkel stressed that “a lot has changed in Armenia” since Pashinian swept to power in the “Velvet Revolution” of April-May 2019. More read here (RFE/RL’s Armenian Service,
  • The Syrian parliament has voted in favor of the resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide on the territory of the Ottoman Empire in early 20th century, said TASS referring to SANA news agency informed. The Syrian People’s Assembly (parliament) unanimously approved the bill, describing the genocide as "one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity." The Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day is marked annually in Armenia on April 24. On that day in 1915, deportations of Armenian intelligentsia began from Constantinople (Ottoman Empire). The term "Armenian Genocide" is used to describe the mass deportation and killings of Armenians in the Ottoman empire during the First World War (1914-1918). Turkey does not accept the use of the term "genocide" regarding it as what it calls the "events of 1915," saying that there was a fratricidal war in the Ottoman Empire back then and all sides had suffered heavy casualties. Ankara opened its Ottoman archives and invited historians to study them in order to develop an objective approach to the events that took place over a century ago. Turkey responds with fervent zeal to any attempts to recognize the fact of the Armenian Genocide.


  • Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA) , who is also Co-Chair of the Armenian Caucus,  commemorated the 30th anniversary of the 1990 anti-Armenian Baku Pogroms, on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, said In a powerful case for peace, freedom and security for the Artsakh Republic, she advanced the Royce-Engel Peace Proposals, and supported full funding for the HALO Trust’s de-mining program.


  • The Presidential Office informed, the official welcoming ceremony of His Majesty King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein Al Hashimi, who has arrived to Armenia on official visit, took place today at the Presidential Palace. Military bands performed the anthems of the Republic of Armenia and Kingdom of Jordan. President Armen Sarkissian and King Abdullah II, accompanied by the commander of the guard of honor, inspected the military band and the guard of honor. The President and the King presented to each other the members of the official delegations and observed the march of the guard of honor.


  • Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan has discussed over the phone the upcoming referendum on Constitutional amendments with Venice Commission President Gianni Buquicchio, ARMENPRESS reported. Badasyan said the phone call took place at his own initiative. “During the phone talk I addressed the latest developments around the Constitutional amendment and the referendum. I also relayed the Armenian side’s willingness on further continuing to closely cooperate with the Council of Europe and the Commission in the judiciary reforms,” Badasyan said on social media.


  • Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received on Friday Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEC) Board Chairman Mikhail Myasnikovich, said referring to the government press service. Congratulating Mikhail Myasnikovich on assuming the new position, the Prime Minister wished him every success in his future activities. Nikol Pashinyan voiced hope that Mr. Myasnikovich would give new impetus to EAEC efforts aimed at promoting cooperation and expanding trade and economic relations between the EAEU-member nations. Mikhail Myasnikovich thanked the Armenian Premier for supporting his nomination to the post of EAEC Board Chairman. He assured that he would do his best to live up to the trust of EAEU-member states’ leaders. The parties discussed the strategic directions for the development of economic integration within the Union for the period until 2025, as well as ways of lifting the unnecessary barriers and impediments still available in the EAEU market. Pashinyan highlighted the need for boosting internal trade turnover and taking consistent steps to shape a common energy market within the EAEU, the source said.


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