Permanent Representative: Azerbaijan must realize that Karabakh will never be its part

Arminfo, Armenia
March 7 2020
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan must realize that Karabakh will never be its part, Albert Andryan,  Permanent Representative of the Artsakh Republic to the Russian  Federation, told the Federal News Agency in an interview. 

According to him, Artsakh made its choice, for which it paid a very  high price. There is no return to the past. And this should be  realized as a fact. "But constantly fighting with each other is not a  thing. You just need to understand that we, like them, like everyone  else, have the same right to life, to free existence, movement and  development. Therefore, I think that anyway, sooner or later the  peace between us must be established. If we all manage to understand  this and step through the pressure that turns out to be from the side  of the people of war, then we can cross this line and sign the peace.  And the faster we do this, the faster we will get a chance to develop  more harmoniously and systematically. If we do not understand this,  all the same, sooner or later there will be people who will initiate  this war again. Azerbaijan must recognize the independence of  Karabakh, which did not done on the initiative of some leaders – the  residents of Karabakh paid for it with their blood. The main thing is  that Baku understands this, recognizes it, and further we will live  in a neighborly way. Maybe there will be settlements with  cohabitation. After all, we were living together!>, The permanent  representative noted.

He also called that it is necessary to cross this line. "We need to  overcome ourselves and understand that the confrontation lasting all  these years is a dead end. It will not lead to anything. We will  constantly destroy each other. We do not need to fight: we want to  live peacefully and calmly. They are building up their military  power. We forced to do the same: The current situation is the result  of the war they imposed on us, "Andryan said, recalling the  background of the issue.

According to him, a referendum was held in Artsakh at the time. "The  people expressed a desire to live separately. That state (USSR) no  longer exists, those laws no longer exist. But it was precisely under  those laws that we withdrew from Azerbaijan, which was part of the  USSR. We wanted to join Armenia. We must not forget that  nevertheless, initially the issue has been addressed just like this:  to secede from Azerbaijan and become part of Armenia. This is Miatsum  (an idea based on the demand of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh to  annex the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region inhabited by Armenians  to Armenia, FNG Ed. note).  And this issue has not been removed from  the agenda. But these are purely our internal problems. They imposed  a war on us. Today we demand independence. How we will live and where  we will go are our internal issues, Armenia and ours. And they do not  concern either Azerbaijan or the rest of the world, "the Permanent  Representative said, adding that regardless of who will be in power  in Armenia, Armenia and Artsakh have one position." And it is  unchanged: it was from the very beginning and will be so until the  end. Because this is the only right position. And there is no  disagreement between the leadership of Armenia and the leadership of  Artsakh. There is only one position: Karabakh, Artsakh should be  independent and continue to decide its own fate, "the Permanent  Representative summed up.