Permanent Representative of Artsakh to RF: Fighting for centuries is not a thing

Arminfo, Armenia
March 7 2020
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo. The situation on the Contact Line of the armed forces of Artsakh and Azerbaijan is relatively calm, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Artsakh  in the Russian Federation, said in an interview with the Federal News  Agency of the Russian Federation.

According to him, there are incidents, but not in that quantity and  not as intense and aggressive as before.  According to the Permanent  Representative, this is connected with the policy of the new  leadership of Armenia – attitude to the problem, to the topic of  negotiations, to the balance of forces that has been established  today. The parties are well aware of the balance of forces, and what  could be the consequences in the event of the deployment of  large-scale hostilities. "But it is impossible to rule out a  situation when a conflict can flare up again, once again go into the  hot stage. Therefore, our armed forces are always in combat positions  and are ready to repel any blow," the Permanent Representative said.  According to him, after the ceasefire in 1994, there were separate  incidents, but in fact only in 2016 [from the side of Azerbaijan] an  attempt was made to initiate the conflict. Fortunately, this attempt  was thwarted, but to say that this will not happen again is  premature. "As we all know, there is no special progress in the  negotiation process, the topic of negotiations is the same. Each side  adheres to its position. And until there are options for resolving  this conflict, the danger of a new aggravation remains. Therefore, we  need to always hold ourselves in readiness >, Albert Andryan  emphasized.

He also stated that the elections in Azerbaijan had no effect on  Artsakh. Provocations have not intensified.  "But you always want  those forces that can solve the conflict peacefully to come to power.  To finally stop this frenzied anti-Armenian policy, imposing this  artificial enmity: We need to move on to some reasonable options for  resolving the issue. So far, there's no peace between us agreement,  we have not signed an agreement on ending the war, on status: While  the conflict is, in general, in a hot state, and it's not possible to  establish neighborly relations, but I want to believe that not all  people want war.  Sooner or later, forces will come to power in  Azerbaijan that will understand that it is better to live in peace.  Anyway, you won't change geography! We'll live on our territory;  they'll be on their territory. And that don't wash off.  Fighting for  centuries is not a thing. After all, in the end, people are born not  in order to be killed by someone, but in order to live their lives  calmly, create a family, and benefit their relatives, loved ones,  their country, " the Permanent Representative said.

He also noted that Armenia is the main guarantor of Artsakh's  security. Naturally, the borders are protected by a single army.  Armed forces  are general, under general leadership. There is a  corresponding agreement between Artsakh and Armenia, according to  which Armenia is the guarantor of the security of the population of  Nagorno-Karabakh. "Our common armed forces are the guarantor of the  security of Armenia, Artsakh, and the Armenians in general, which  lives throughout this territory. And all Armenians are responsible  for this. The issue should not be considered in the sense that this  is Karabakh, and this is Armenia. All of Armenia stands for the  protection of citizens of Armenia and Karabakh. Everyone knows that  during the war not only the residents of Armenia and Artsakh took  part in it. The Diaspora helped a lot!  It's important to emphasize  who is responsible for this territory all Armenians, " the Permanent  Representative said.