Armenian PM says constitutional referendum campaign will stop if necessary

Panorama, Armenia

The campaign for the referendum to change Armenia’s constitution will be cut short if the need arises, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on Thursday.

He made the remarks while campaigning for a “Yes” vote in the April 5 referendum at Zaritap community of Vayots Dzor Province.

The statement comes after Armenia confirmed three new coronavirus infections on Wednesday, bringing the total number of cases to four in the country.

“No political goal can be put above the health and safety of citizens of the Republic of Armenia. If we feel that something is wrong, we will not let anyone make a decision before us, we will let you know,” he said, urging people to follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, be vigilant but not panic.

A number of politicians, including Bright Armenia faction head Edmon Marukyan, have called for all mass events to be cancelled.