A letter in support of increased aid to Armenia and Artsakh in fiscal year 2021 was signed by 75 congressmen from 23 US states

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.A letter in support of increased aid to Armenia and Artsakh in fiscal year 2021 was signed by 75 congressmen from 23 US states. ArmInfo was informed  about this in the press service of the Armenian National Committee of  America (ANCA).

ANCA Executive Director Aram Hambaryan thanked Congressmen Pallone,  Speyer and Schiff, and all other legislators who signed this letter,  aimed at promoting a targeted, future-oriented assistance package for  Artsakh and Armenia, which is an investment in peace and democracy.

The ANCA also informed that the letter circulated for signing in  Congress includes the following budget requests: allocate $ 1.5  million for mine clearance in Artsakh and reliable financing of  regional rehabilitation services for landmine victims and people with  physical and cognitive impairments. In addition, provide $ 100  million for assistance in the field of economy, management, rule of  law and security of Armenia through the Department of State and  USAID. "As well as the removal by the State Department and USAID of  any official or unofficial restrictions on travel to the United  States, communication or contacts with representatives of the Artsakh  government. And most importantly, the suspension of US military  assistance to Azerbaijan until it is confirmed that Baku has stopped  everything aggressive actions towards Armenia and Artsakh, "ANCA  informed.