Asbarez: 2nd Annual OC Educational Series Focuses on Artsakh


The Armenian Revolutionary Federation “Armen Karo” Gomideh, in cooperation with Orange County’s Armenian Youth Federation “Ashod Yergat” Chapter, ran a full day seminar about Artsakh. The seminar, which was held on Saturday, March 7, was open to the community with a focus on reaching out to the youth.

The discussion surrounding Artsakh was broken up into two parts. The first session, led by Professor Dr. Garabet Moumdjian, focused on the history and geopolitics of Armenia and Artsakh. The second session, led by Armenian National Committee of America Chair Raffi Hamparian, concentrated on Hye Tad’s goals while outlining the activist approach for the region.

The day began at 10:30 am with registration and breakfast. Karine Codilian of AYF “Ashod Yergat” introduced Dr. Moumdjian who led a discussion with visuals regarding the history and geopolitics of the Armenian territory. With a history that spans centuries, the information put into light the significance of the area to the Armenian people. Dr. Moumdjian asked questions along the way that encouraged critical thinking and sparked a conversation about how history of Armenian territory should be a staple subject taught to our youth. This in turn better prepares them for the activist role down the road.

After a light lunch, ARF “Armen Karo” Gomideh member Taline Jermakian addressed attendees. “A quote we are all familiar with by the great leader and advocate of all Armenians Karekin Njteh states, ‘If you want to see the future of a nation, look to its youth,’” she said. “An educated youth, is an empowered youth. An empowered youth brings forth activism. Activism brings forth progress and change. With progress and change; all things are possible. And right now, Artsakh – the topic of today’s educationals – need us to be empowered, active, protective, and the voice of progress.”

“The Armen Karo Gomideh thanks our guest speakers today, Garo Moumdjian and Raffi Hamparian. We thank all our attendees for being here on their Saturday. We thank the OC AYF who worked side by side with the Gomideh facilitating this event and we hope to continue these events together in the future,” concluded Jermakian.

Up next, Raffi Hamparian took the stage to discuss the work of the ANCA relating to the Armenian Cause and specifically relating to Artsakh. Between political alliances, PR methods, internship programs, the Halo Trust, and other intuitive means, the ANCA – along with ANC organizations around the world – collectively work on the ground level to protect our country. The work requires due diligence and thick skin. It requires the Armenian youth to be actively engaged with the needs of their communities but also with the needs of their homeland. The ANCA provides many avenues of assistance to the Armenian youth to prepare them for this role in order to continue to support and one day attain a Free, Independent, and UNITED Armenia. Hamparian ended the session with a Q&A session which thoroughly explained the thought processes behind many of the works of the ANCA.

The educational event ended with a dinner gathering where conversations continued and community bonds flourished. The ARF Armen Karo Gomideh and AYF Ashod Yergat Chapter look forward to continuing the educational series for years to come.